Rules of the House of DeSur
1: RL takes precedence over rp
2: Drama is prohibited
3: We do not do cross over rps. If you do an rp outside of the House of DeSur or one of our sub-houses it is to remain outside of our houses
4: This is not a sex group. If you came here solely for sex then I suggest you leave now
5: Our women, and children are off limits
6: Never assume our characters can be killed without our permission. We won't allow it. Should we allow it our characters will miraculously be brought to back after the rp is over. Try it without our permission, and you will be declared dead, and deleted from our friends' list
7: Children born between characters must be a mutual agreement
8: Fights will be held in an arena blog.To keep the playing field level "no" one has any powers so there will be none of this "I have orbs that make me invincible." Leave that to the Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode you stole it from. Try it, and again you will be declared dead, and deleted from our friends' list
9:Comment boxes are considered houses. During rp if you post to one of our comments you have entered our house so respect us just as we will respect you should we post to one of yours.
10:Last but not least - the House of DeSur bows to no one