Angelique BlackRayne {Ruthless Beauty} {Assassin of hell}{Daughter of Lucifer + Lilith}{Triplet to Aislinn + Adrianna}{Sister to Xavier +Victoria }{Aunt to Leila + Autumn +Arianna +Feronia}

Last Login: September 15, 2024

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Age: 119
Sign: Capricorn

Country: French Polynesia
Signup Date: March 16, 2024

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My family and connections

Mother: Lilith BlackRayne

Father: Lucifer BlackRayne

Triplet(S): Aislinn BlackRayne + Adrianna BlackRayne

Sister(S): Victoria BlackRayne

Brother(S):Xavier BlackRayne

Brother In Law(S):Kratos BlackRayne

Sister In Law(S): None

Niece(S): Autumn BlackRayne, Arianna BlackRayne, Leila BlackRayne, Feronia

Nephew(S): None

Other Family: Demons, and such

Sexual Orientation: Straight as a board 

Relationship Status: Single

Current Relationship(S): None

Past Relationship(S): She had flings 

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The assassin of hell deals a death (free write)

The mortal man begged for mercy and pleaded at the feet of the demoness. But mercy would not even save him for he had a high target on his back. The female demon gave a slight smirk “ you betrayed Lucifer. The very king of hell and one who allowed you to have such riches. A betrayal is greater than a sin punishable by death.” She said with a wicked grin slowly spreading across her face.

She licked her lips as she bent down hearing the man begin to cry like a weak little baby. “ normally I kill as fast as possible, but for a traitor like you it will be slowly.” She said with a slight devilish laugh.

“ mortals always pathetic. Think they always can have all this glory at a free cost and do whatever they wish without punishment then plead for their lives.” Angelique said her voice slowly beginning to turn demonic. Taking a dagger forged in the deepest part of hell, Angelique took it steady in her right hand, and drove the blade deep into the man’s ankle. It wouldn’t kill him no, but the scream that he forced out of his lungs made a slight tingle slide up her spine. “ oh. Do that again” she said her eyes turning black and began to look soulless.  

A black aurora began to form around the royal demon and consume the both of them slowly. “ this is so no one can stop what is coming” she said slowly dragging the dagger of the man’s leg. Blood poured from his limb abs screams turned into blood curdling. “You couldn’t just keep to the deal. No you had to turn your back on the king of hell” her voice deeper and more demonic filling his ears. “ please.. please. Let me make it up to him and talk to him. Please let me plead and beg” he said tears and sweat dripping down his face.

“ no. He sent me here to give you his answer and don’t worry about your little family.” She began to say then paused for dramatic effect. The Ruthless Beauty leaned her face down towards his leg as she took out the rage and licked the fresh blood that poured out of it. “ ah fear when I mentioned that. Did you really think we didn’t know about your wife and little ones?” She asked with a crackle of a laugh. “ pity we know everything. They will be taken care of and of course you’ll see them in hell. “ she said licking her lips. 

“ please.” He said begging once more. She clicked her tongue as she shook her head taking the dagger steady once more in her hand. “ pity. Pity little man” she said demonically as she shoved the dagger in the palm of his right hand. “ scream, beg, and plead but this will last for eternity.” 


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