King of Fyre TFR- BvL

Last Login: November 12, 2024

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Age: 119
Sign: Aries

Country: United States
Signup Date: October 09, 2019

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1. ENGLISH! SPEAK IT! If you can't SPELL the word WRITING, you shouldn't be doing it. Everyone is entitled to spelling errors, we're all guilty of it. But if your stats make my eyes bleed and I want to weep at how you have Brutally raped the English Language.... you will be deleted. I'm sorry, I can't help but be a Grammar Nazi, and I don't want to be. There has to be limits. I hate logging on and wanting nothing more than to attack my stream with a red marker. It seems to be more  common lately.

2. NO BITCHING OR WHINING! I don't want to hear a bunch of "He said, she said" Bullshit! You have an issue with someone? Take it up with them, don't bring me in the middle of it. Problems with me? Take it to messages. I will not reply to harassing Statuses (Except My wife's) or Bulletins. I am here to write, and escape from RL bullshit, stop making me Relive shit I've already been through in RL when I am just trying to get away from it.

3. Replies will take time. Yes, I do get on at least one page a day (Usually this one), but seriously it is not realistic to hop on all of my pages all day, every day. If I see someone on one page, I'll hop on the one that goes with it. I usually talk to my wife outside of here to see what characters we will be going on, and what we will be doing with our story that day.  Since my time has grown short, and my tolerance for bullshit drama as well, I only have pages in TFR, and nowhere else.  I do not have pages on other sites anymore (They may still exist, but they are dead pages).  I only write with Ma Reine romantically. I do not care to write with anyone else that way. If you would like to know my other pages, go ahead and send me a message, I'm happy to share. I usually leave my replies pretty open to respond to though. Also with my replies go in this order:
-Fae Realm
-One on one replies on this page
-Replies on other pages

My time grows short lately now that I have been moved to full time. Shorter replies may be done through the week as I get time, but I only do the constant back and forth steadily with a few people.  Longer stories are reserved for My wife.  We rarely post them anymore unless we really want to, or are really proud of it.  November, April, and June I will be writing strictly with My wife since those are the months dedicated to writing the books.  I will be Rewriting the First book, and Publishing it this year.

4. I have one Lover, only she is allowed to play with My characters romantically. And only her alts are allowed to rape them. Any other tries will get ignored, and she will be told about it, along with your url in case she wants to have a nice chat with the person trying to seduce her Husband. Yes, he can be a flirt, but he won't do anything other than that. She also has access to My page, so Have fun playing Roulette with that.

5. If you've made it this far tell me one thing you like about my character, or one thing you hate.


6. I'm currently Not accepting non group SL's so please ask before sending a starter. I don't want you to go through the trouble of writing it all up, when It will most likely take me at least a month to reply to you. I play Multi para/ Novella on here, and my replies do take time. I put a lot of effort into them, and expect the same in return. With me, you get what you give. If I send you a 3-5 Paragraph starter and you send me one and a half... ok, fine. But if I send you 3 again, and it's dwindled down to 3 lines or less... I'll ask you if there is a problem replying to me.

7. No God Modding , This is an original character, if you want him to do something, ask me. Don't do it without my permission. You will only get ignored, one warning is all. No Autoing, unless it's agreed upon beforehand. But NEVER try to AutoKill my character. He will fight back. No biting for vamps. I know that the fae look like a tasty treat to vamps, but I would really like it if there was no biting. I rule over an army of feetlickers, tell me you fear the feetlickers when you sign. Teasing is fine, as long as I can tease back. Don't get mad if he pulls a fireball on you. And during a fight I expect them to be fair and equal. Don't dodge every single hit and walk away unharmed while my guy is bleeding on the ground near death. I've only had that happen one time in a SL though, and both were pretty badly beaten.

8. Nicknames you see used by other people are earned by them, and ONLY to be used by them. otherwise.... I WILL BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN WITH LEMONS and sic the face eating sheep on you. 

9. Have fun.  Don't be a grouch all the time.  Keep in mind that Ba'al is a Smartass, and if you let him know something bugs you, He goes out of his way to make sure and do it repeatedly.

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