Malka Kamila Branch {mystifying Beauty} {Seduction Witch}{Dark Lady} {Triplet to Morrison and Kendrik}{ Disciple's Of The Moon's Tear}

Last Updated: Sun 23 Feb 2025, 1:25:09

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Age: 120
Sign: Capricorn

Country: United Arab Emirates
Signup Date: June 23, 2024

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Triplet’s birth/younger:

A woman’s scream could be heard over the full moon’s night at the Branch estate. All could hear such pain from the woman’s scream that many felt once or twice before. Such is the way of being a woman about to bring life into the world. She bore the pain with honor as the first child was brought into the world followed by the next, and finally the last child of the three which was a girl. The triplets had been given the names Morrison Jaxx Branch, Kendrik Adan Branch, and Malka Kamila Branch. Malka was a happy go lucky child who seemed to not have a care in the world. From a young age, Malka’s view of the world was there were so many possibilities for her to just achieve. Perhaps, this was a bad way to look at things when it came to the world, however, most children have a bright outlook on life until something happens to them that changes it.

Malka’s education came in the form of private tutors for both basic educational skills and magical skills. She thrived in languages as well as political alliances whereas magic Malka seemed to gain the abilities of the way of a siren. The young Branch lady grew slowly into her abilities along with her education. She loved her family and gained a close bond with her triplet brothers. The Branch triplets seemed to have a connection far beyond the rest of the Branch siblings had with each other. The triplets were like any other normal set of triplets just with abilities which they tended to use for their own advantages.

Malka took her training of magic and her education seriously when in her earlier years. The young girl could never figure out why, but it was like a goal to outdo herself in all things rather it was in horseback riding or simple reading. If she was not having to be in “how to be a proper lady” courses, Malka was in the library studying her magic or basic educational topics.

It was all apart from growing up and it seemed like the Branch family was always going to be this close-knit family. Malka had other family members besides her closest blood relatives, the Tenebris {Aurelius Antoninus} family was her distant cousins. However, this side of her family seemed to have broken away from the Branch relatives and lived in Turkey keeping as close to the old ways (ancient ways) as possible. This connection for Malka would come in handy sooner than she ever wanted. In a million years, the young girl would ever think that trauma could ever happen to her and that would set a way for her life to shift it from that of her family. Not everything can always be sunshine and roses nor can it be prepared for in anyone’s life.

The Incident: Violation and innocence gone

Trauma can leave a person forever having to respond to triggers. Even if they do not remember the trauma, their mind will forever remember the event or events that left scars upon their mind. The funny thing about abuse is that sometimes the scars left on the body heals but the scars left on the mind will forever affect a person. Even if a child at a young age experiences a traumatic event, they will forever feel the effects of it. A loud sound or fast movement will cause them to panic, curl up in a ball, fight, break down, or even smells that bring up the painful memory. It doesn’t matter if a person who causes the trauma is a relative or not, however, a relative inflecting something horrible can leave a greater impact on a person’s mind. Family members are never thought to be the cause of something that leaves their own flesh and blood in a state of being less than. 

It happened several times before but never to the extreme that the night that changed everything. Unsolicited touches that would make one’s skin crawl and never want to be touched again. The type that makes one question why they were picked to be violated and left in a vulnerable position. Malka Branch thought she was the only victim of the inappropriate advances. She thought her uncle would soon leave her alone and never go further. She was wrong and she would forever be changed. 

Being held down, touched in areas that was never thought to be touched at such a young age, a bedroom was no longer a safe place. No matter if the young Malka had her own set abilities or tried to fight off her attacker she began to feel helpless. “Please please” she begged as her attacker kept forcing her on the bed and the grip became tighter. At first the young witch did not realize who it was trying to force themselves upon her until they leaned down right to her left ear, “shut your stupid mouth up. If anyone comes in here even your triplet brothers (names here) they will be killed, and I will make you watch slowly as I do.” Her eyes widened as she realized who it was on top of her. “Uncle Adnan?” she said softly, her voice cracking as tears rolled down her face. Her uncle was always known to be on the more aggressive, untrustworthy, and terrible side. It was not that he was the black sheep of the family, but everyone knew never to anger him, and he was known to be violent towards particularly females.

“Yes! And you think after I got done watching the light fade from their eyes what I’m fixing to do to you won’t happen? Think again little girl. You will do what I say. You are maybe a teen who thinks she is a woman; I’ll show you what women are good for and what it means to be one.” He said in a low, rough, and demanding voice still in her ear. “Please Uncle. I am your niece.” She said pleading with him once more as she tried again to force him off her. Her mind and body in a state of panic trying to stop what she could sense he wanted to do. Being a triplet she did have a connection to her triplets that many wished to have.  Since he said no screaming, she would use her mind, which was something he could never take away. “MORRISON! KENDRIK!! HELP!!” She screamed through her mind hoping they would wake and hear her or sense something was wrong.

As she felt his hands all over her body and even his lips upon her neck, Malka began to slowly disassociate from the situation. She did not know how long she was completely blacking out of the situation, though she could still feel everything he was doing. This is why she knew he had yet to fully do something that would take away what little innocence she had left. After however long, a white light came from the door, and a silhouette of someone about the same height as one of her brothers. After that and a scream from someone else in the room, Malka blacked out completely.

Escape/working on trauma:

Though Malka was a young teen, that night she made the choice to leave her home and her family. She knew there would be no going back but for her own safety, Malka knew there would be only one way to be completely safe from that of her uncle’s touch. The young witch ran through the circles as fast as she could and with each one, she went through a little be of her heart shattered. After going through the last circle, Malka felt that her whole world had come crashing down around her. There was no home for her at that moment because she no longer felt safe even with her own family thanks to her uncle Adnan.

There was only one place where she could flee, feel safe, and where her triplet brothers could not find her. Tenebris {Aurelius Antoninus} lands in Turkey were the best place to go for her or at least that was all she could think of at the time. They were relatives after all even if it had seemed like milli since the last time they all got together. In any case, Malka begged Antigone to break the connection with her triplet brothers so they could not find her. Malka felt more shame than she had ever felt before and did not want to see her brothers or any Branch family members. It was not that she did not love her family, especially her triplet brothers, but for her it was for safety. Antigone, understanding how it felt to have something terrible happen to a person did as she was asked and Malka had to follow the laws of Turkey along with the laws of the Tenebris {Aurelius Antoninus} family. Though they were family by blood the laws of the Tenebris {Aurelius Antoninus} was vastly different than the Branch side.

The Spell:

To have one’s mind completely broken and taped up together once again is an understatement. Malka’s mind as Antigone said the spell, “Aufer memoriam quae supersunt doloris. Auunculi stulte memoriam aufer. Malka ex animo omnia aerumna oblivio. Memorias frange vento, et obstrue a reverti. Nam si quis recordationem eius facere temptaverit, mentem eius in mush convertat.” (Remove memories that left pain. Remove memories of the foolish uncle. Obliviate all painful things from Malka's mind. Shatter the memories to the wind and block them from returning. For if one attempts to make her remember may her mind turn into mush.) Latin would always be spoken when it came to spells and hexes, Malka such but never though that Antigone’s words were going to be so clear. As each word left Antigone’s mouth and as her cousin kept repeating them, Malka could feel her mind breaking apart. Her head felt like it was being cut open while she was still awake. Her very memories were being scrambled around and vision formed in her mind only to appear to be melting away.

Her screams filled halls of the Tenebris estate and many of the servants thought that the screams could be heard from even pass the barrier. “Sultana, ona yardım edelim mi?” (Sultana, should we help her)? Sümbül Ağa, asked with a worried tone in his voice. Antigone looked at him for a moment as she grabbed a knife on the table and sliced upon her own flesh on her right palm. She flung her blood in the pentagram that was engraved on the ground which Malka sat in the middle of, “Ona yardım eden yok. Artık kendine yardım etmesi gerekiyor. Bu süreçten geçmeli ve unutmak istediği şeyleri ortadan kaldırmalıdır. Büyü benim payımdı ve korumanın kanıydı.” (There is no helping her. She must help herself now. She must go through the process and remove what she wishes to forget. The spell was my part and the blood of protection). Antigone stated in her Ancient Roman accent (Italian), but with Turkish words.

With each vision of a past memory, Malka removed more and more. Every time her uncle touched her even if it was a little grab at her arm. Everything she did not wish to remember. Malka began to take away more than anyone would think to become a basic person again. She needed to live and breathe once more like any normal person. Sure, she would have scars, but the memory of them would be no more. Once she finished removing all that she wanted, Malka’s mind became one again. The memories removed or pushed back into the back of her mind and only the basics to survive were left. She felt all of this as her mind started to form back to normal and her breathing went back to normal. Perhaps, it was the wrong choice, but the choice was made and there would be no going back.

The Return:

After telling Antigone that it was time, Malka gathered up her stuff, and made her way to where the circles were. It felt like forever since she had last been on the estate or anywhere near her siblings. She had gained a great grasp over her siren and seductress like abilities, yet the work through some of her trauma was still underway. “I am coming home.” She said in a soft tone of voice and even through her mind allowing the connection link between her, Morrison, and Kendrik to connect once more ever so slightly. 

Reaching the Circles of Avidity, Malka became slightly colder in personality. She had gone through every other circle with ease but something different with this one set her off. She walked through it slowly and in the shadows hiding her presence. The link between her triplet brothers (Morrison and Kendrik) as well as herself had been made new. There was no turning back now that it had been linked once more. The Dark Lady did not know how her triplet brothers would have felt after her leaving nor her other siblings. She had to do what she did for her own protection, after all she was a young teen. Faintly, Malka could hear a familiar voice in the back of her mind. Once again, her mind felt like it was splitting at the seams, however, she pushed forward. “It is me, Morrison. It has been a long time. Will meet you at the front of the estate.”

Pushing forward stilling hiding where she really was, Malka made it through all the circles feeling slightly more drained than she had before. It had been a while since the Branch lady had been through the circles. Once she loved going through them with ease but now there was a shift within her very soul going through them. A test one could say of how strong she had become which was after all what trauma could do to a person. Malka had a choice to become broken forever or change to become stronger than before and not just physically.

Seeing the large walls of the estate coming into her view as she made it through the last of the circles brought some pain into Malka’s mind. She did not know why, yet there was a jabbing pain in her mind as she saw the familiar walls. She could hear and even see herself as a young child into young teen run around them. She could hear what happiness was around and within them, but beyond that Malka was numb to them. Why was she returning after all these years? She was healed, however, her mind still felt not fully hole. The Dark-Haired Beauty felt as if she had been drawn there to finish some unfinished business. Walking closer, Malka could feel the slight tug on the link that had been broken long ago become whole once more. Her mind felt like it was splitting apart and thankfully for her there had yet to be no painful memories.



The feeling of all the individual presences of her siblings flew at her all at once. The very ground held within it the spiritual presence of the Branch family extending so far back that it could knock one on the ground. Taking a deep breath, Malka leaned up against the wall as two guards blocked her way. “Lady Branch?” one said with a surprise look upon their face. “Yes.” She said coldly. “Come out come out wherever you are Morrison or Kendrik.” She stated with a slight thick European accent mixed with a Turkish one due to her staying with Antigone for so long. “We have unfinished business to attend to.”

Coming together with siblings again:

Morrison and Kendrik were the first to meet up again. The connection the triplets once had was restored and unfortunately this also meant that Malka’s mind began to feel the effects of everything all at once. It was risk that she had been told would happen, but one she did anyways because the siblings had to kill their uncle. The uncle that caused so much pain within the family that he had to be removed from the world of the living. Malka could no longer be selfish and be in a safe place with her family still having to deal with such a person. Every family has a “black sheep” of the family; however, the Branch family had a throne in its side with the one named Adnan.

The story of Malka is still being unfolded so wait and see what happens next.

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