{Imperial Rose}{Shadow Witch} {Queen of Shadows} Malantha Sultan I{twin to Mihrimah} {Daughter of Suleiman + Hurrem}{Cousin To Valentina + Jasmine+Hatice + Devran}{Half-Sister to Isis + Mustafa+ Others} {Descendant of Boudicca + Osman} {Ut in Veteribus}

Last Updated: Sun 16 Feb 2025, 1:16:36

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Age: 119
Sign: Cancer

Country: Turkey
Signup Date: November 06, 2023

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Category: Uncategorized

Occ/ Details about Malantha that has remained the same: Explanation
Her family bloodlines. The Sultans have always been within her family particularly who her parents are. I have played her the same since I created her. Sure, there was somethings that were added and taken away but for the most part she has remained the same.

ETHNICITY: Possible Russian on mother’s side/Turkish father’s side

HAIR COLOR:Dark Brown-black

EYE COLOR: pearl white

Species: Witch


Pearl White: Eyes have always been apart of her character. that has never changed from the beginning.

Being the Shadow Queen/Shadow Witch/ Imperial Rose: This will never change about her.

Things that have changed: She is no longer a student. That will not happen due to respect from the original storyline I had.
Playbyplay: Changed due to wanting to and needing this change.

However, She is more of a bitch and darker than ever. So, those who have rped with her please do not get upset and if there is anything that causes any issues please let me know

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