Ut In Veteribus

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Ranks of Witches/Warlocks {Ut In Veteribus}
Category: Uncategorized

Ancestral: These are the highest order of witches within the covens. There is only six of them and to be one you either have to kill one or do what they did which is do something extremely good or extremely dark.


Example: Saving children or killing them for your own personal game

These witches under here will only have two each: Can be male or female except for the coven based

Coven Based: These two witches are essentially the most in tuned with the spiritual stability of the group. These two are the high priestess of the coven. They live beyond the group and stay pure and holy. This is so they better can communicate with the holy Gods and Goddesses.  Can only be female

Solitary :These two  walk by themselves as their name suggest. They follow one set branch of witchcraft or a combination but never something complicated. They are either dark or light never neutral.

Crystal : These connect to crystals and draw their powers, energy, auras from them. They are the ones one would see putting their crystals in the moonlight to charge. They are the bubbly ones of the coven as well that loves shiny things.

Cosmic: They draw their powers from the skies above and focuses on astronomy

Green: The healers of the coven. These are more nurturing and in tune with nature.These are the ones that one can see using the plants around them and tending to their beloved plants.

Hedge:Like green but they are not focused on nature as much.works alone and doesn’t adhere to any strict dogma—religious, spiritual, or otherwise..develop their own kind of magic, focusing primarily on creating healing remedies and often working with the elements, nature, crafts, and herbalism. Everything is kept simple and basic, and all rituals are non-fussy and minimalist

Gray: They are neither light or dark but straddle the fence of most things. They see that life has gray areas and tend to be able to allow the others that float to one side to the other to see the opposite.

Eclectic: tend to cherry-pick whatever practices, rituals, beliefs, or ideas feel natural and good to them in the moment. After all, witchcraft is a very personal and unique pursuit.

These under do not have a limit but lets make it less than ten please

Baby: As the name says, these are the new commers of the coven and craft. These are the ones that will seek a teacher or mentor to show them the ways of the craft. They must find what kind of witch they are and be mentored by an accomplished witch or warlock. These doesn't have a particular number but fits into the next generation and not a large number please.

Dark: They focus only on the darkness of the craft. Their enemies are the light witches and never will see the light of side things.

Light: light witches are calm and only see the light of the craft. They do not care for dark witches and often at odds with them.

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