Black King Gage LeStat, Unconditionally Loves _ Married To Black Queen Helena Laine LeStat Site Co Owner, BE Emperor, BK Ruler, Mr Duggars Mentor (Jacket Slut) BK BE TBC TGB SH HOD

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"The Royal Wedding Ceremony Of Black King Gage LeStat And Lady Helena Laine Rominov"
Category: Blogging

"The Royal Wedding Ceremony Of Black King Gage LeStat And Lady Helena Laine Romanov:

The Black Kingdom observatory began to fill up with friends and family also other distinguished guests.
Gage took his mother Ayumi, by the arm.  He escorted her down the aisle, assisting her into her seat in the first row, in the observatory.  He handed her a long stemmed, crimson red rose.  "I love you mother.  Both Helena and I, are so pleased that you are here, for our special day.  I love you Mom, I have and will, until the ends of time."
 Gage escorted Conseiller Selene Denali to her seat.  Selene, had always been a strong influence, in Gage's existence.  He handed her a long stemmed red rose.  "Selene, I thank you for being there for me, when I was in times of trouble and turmoil.  Thank you, for helping me become the man, that I am today.  The Prince you mentored and the King that I've become.  I cannot thank you enough, for all you have done for me.  Helping me rebuild the kingdom, to it's former glory, after it's distruction.  I love you Selene, I will always see you as a Mother figure, always until the ends of time."


Antigone motioned for Gage and his groomsman Malachi, to stand beside the altar.
Emma Gage's sister, walked down the aisle dressed in a lovely Royal Blue colored gown. She smiled brightly, as she approached her brother Gage.
Gage, his lovely sister Emma and his cousin Malachi lined up in their respected places.

Malachi and a dear musician friend of his, walked along the audience Malachi played his violin. His beloved friend sang an aria for the couple.
A beautiful melody began to play upon the strings of Malachi's violin, It's sound resonated throughout the observatory, it's melody could be heard out in the royal rose garden. The musical selection performed, sent beautiful music throughout the entire kingdom. For all to hear.


Next, to enter the Observatory, were two of Black King Gage's sons.  Black Prince Damien and Black Prince Alaric LeStat.  They took their places in line along side of Malachi.  They looked regal in their tuxedos.  They stood facing down the aisle as their little Brother's and Sisters came down the aisle.

The music picked up in crescendo, as The Maids Of Honor, two of the daughters of King Gage, Black Princess Winter Reid LeStat, and her twin sister Black Princess Peyton LeStat, walked gracefully towards the altar.  Princess Winter, was so lovely, with her elegance and beauty. She took her place on the right side of the altar.  Gage smiled brightly at her, she looked so lovely.  He was always proud of his little Monkey.  Oh how she had grown."  Gage looked at Peyton, so lovely, she looked. Gage looked into her eyes, then winked.  "You look beautiful, my heart.  You have grown into such a remarkable, kind hearted and beautiful woman, you're Mother would be so proud of you, as I am."

The Ring bearer's Black Prince Maks David LeStat and Black Prince Mason LeStat along with the flower girl Black Princess Mia Brielle LeStat walked down the aisle together.  Dark and light blue petals along with silver stars, were scattered along the Royal blue carpet.  Maks grabbed Gage around the leg, then giggled struggling to hold his pillow still. Mason stood there like a grown up little man with his ring pillow clitched tightly. Gage held their hands and quickly settled them down, as Mia took her assigned place.  How beautiful Mia looked in her galaxy themed flower girl dress.  On her way she stopped in front of her grandma Ayumi then handed her a Pink rose. She whispered "I love you Nana" then ran up to where the wedding party was gathered.


Helena stood in the stairwell, waiting for her cue. She shook with excitement. It was almost time to meet the love of her life at the altar, to pledge herself to Gage, fully and completely, for all eternity. She took a deep breath, moving into place. Her eyes met Gage's, then her spirit calmed. All the love she had for him, shown upon her face. She slipped her arm through Jack's, waiting for the music to begin.The soft background music came to a complete halt.  The observatory was so silent, one could hear a pin drop.  Once again, Malachi began playing his devil's instrument. Majestic sound, could be heard throughout the entire observatory.  The Song "Air" By Johann Sebastian Bach" began to play.



Gage looked down the long aisle to see his truly beloved wife to be, accompanied by his Asssistant Jack Hawkins.  They began to walk down the center of the observatory towards him.  Jack had became the best of friends with Gage over the centuries, he truly was the most perfect choice to give Gage his lovely bride.  Gage was thankful to Jack for doing this honor due to Helena's father being unpresent.  

The guests were in awe, as Helena and Jack gracefully walked down the aisle.  Helena's white wedding gown looked so regal, she was beyond beautiful. She was the most mesmerizing woman Gage had ever laid his eyes upon.  Helena would soon become the Black Queen of the Black Kingdom and Black Empress of the Black Empire. Blood tears began to well up in Gage's eyes, as Helena gently smiled at him. When their eyes met, Gage was enchanted by her elegance, he had never seen anything as beautiful, than his bride to be, looked at this moment. He looked deeply into her gaze, in this very special moment, he finally was able to see Helena in her exquisite, white bridal gown.  He smiled at her, then winked.  Gage wiped away his blood tears with his obsidian silk handkerchief. He fell in love with Helena, all over again.  He loved her more now, than he ever thought was possible, for one to love anyone.  Their love ran deeper than any ocean, more vast than the heavens.  Gage was blown away with how intensely hypnotic she looked in her beautiful wedding dress. Truly stunning, everyone was ecstatic to see the bride in her moment, of pure beauty.  Jack approached Gage, then gently escorted Helena besides him.  They stood there, lost in a special moment, of intense love and deep feelings towards one another.   


Gage whispered to her. "You are so breathtaking, my dark heart.  So amazingly beautiful,  I love you so very much.  I have never seen you look more beautiful, than you do at this moment.  Thank you for becoming my wife, Helena." She smiled up at him, her eyes shimmering with tears that threatened to spill over, tears of pure joy.


“I love you more than I ever thought possible,” she whispered only for him. “I'm so honored to become your wife, on this night. I love you, my Dark King.” Her gaze never left his.

The officiant Antigone Tenebris, a special life long friend of Gage's began the ceremony.

Welcome one and all, and witness Black King Gage Lestat and Helena Laine Romanov as they pledge their dedication, to walk through the night together. From the night we come, to the night we go. Cursed or blessed to walk the moonlight alone. Sometimes another soul walks our path, then two become one, in love everlasting. Come forward, children of the blood and welcome this couple, to your brood.


“Who gives this woman of their free will, to Black King Gage LeStat to become his lawful wife?


Clearing his throat, Jack steps forward a little, looking at Antigone. "I give away the bride, Lady Helena Rominov, at this wedding. "This union has my complete approval and my utmost blessing.  "Your Highness, Gage. If I might add, You have exquisite taste in women.  This one is a keeper.  I feel it strongly. You will have an existence of bliss and love, for all of eternity."


Antigone binds the couple's left wrists together with a crimson silk scarf. The binding took place over a goblet containing their wedding rings.

“Stand now, as ye will stand forever, like this crimson cloth your hearts are tethered. This goblet’s contents are your symbols of devotion. So, take these rings from the Goblet.

The couple take the rings from the goblet, with their right hands.

I have upgraded your ring Helena, to protect ypu from all harm.  It is infused with "The Heart Of Darkness" Gage commented on the legends that surrounded the Heart of Darkness. It supposedly had the power to restore vampiric unlife, and it was "reputed to have been ripped from the chest of the greatest vampire to have ever existed"


"Tonight; we are gathered under the cloak of Mother Night and the eyes of her Sister Moon, to bind these two, Black King Gage David LeStat And Helena Laine Novikov, in matrimony, as they pledge their dedication to walk the night together as man and wife.  Is there anyone present, whom feels this union should not take place? Speak now, or forever hold your peace." No one in the place said anything.  The observatory was completely silent. 

 "From this night forth, Gage and Helena shall walk together through eternity." Gage's cold hand clasped with Helena's warm human hand.  His still heart possessed completely by Helena's.  "These are not vows entered into lightly.  Their bond is unbreakable. Their blood shall become as one. She will become an immortal by her choice, she has pledged her decision to Gage, to become as he is, to join him in his existence as a vampire.

Once she has become an immortal, Should either one be struck down, so shall fall the other. They also will be so bonded that their strength's shall be joined together.  The love in their un-beating hearts shall fill their flesh with a nearly impossible warmth.  Gage and Helena, please turn and face one another, so that you may look upon the visage that shall be one with you, for all of eternity."

"Gage, Will you, Oh son of darkness, swear by the very un-life that fills you, by the blackened blood that lies in your veins, to give yourself completely, utterly, without question, reservation or doubt, to this woman, Helena?  To hunt with her, offering always the choicest prey to her first, before taking it yourself? Because your love for Helena, is infinite, steadfast and true?  Will you stand by her side, hunt at her back, and fly within her Soul. Will you stand between her and all which would harm you. Will your shield her from the Light of Day with your flesh. Will you never betray her, for you are her Heart, her Soul and her Life.


"I will. Without any hesitation."

"Helena, Will you, daughter of light, swear by the life that fills you, by the life's blood the flows through your veins?  To hunt with, forsaking the choicest prey even when offered, because you love Gage?  To spend your days of slumber protected in his arms? If he hungers, you will feed him from your own veins until he is quenched?  Because your love for Gage is infinite, steadfast and true? Will you stand by his side, hunt at his back, and fly within his Soul. Will you stand between him and all which would harm you. Will your shield him from the Light of Day with your flesh. Will you never betray him, for you are his Heart, his Soul and his Life.

"I Will, Without any hesitation."

"May the shadows hold you both safe in their velvet folds, as you begin your journey together, that shall not end, until time itself no longer exists. We will all take this time to hear your personal pledges of devotion and love towards one another.

I, Promise, Forever My beloved Dark Heart

To take time for you to always, to pursue you passionately
I, promise to love you until the end of time, compassionately
I, do promise to fulfill your every need completely
I, promise every moment to love you, so indiscreetlyI, will provide a home of love, honesty, laughter and emotional purity
I, promise my heart, joy, honesty, and a existence, where you feel security.

I, will always make time for you, for without you, there is no meaning of time.
I, promise you to cherish; honor, respect, admire you completely, to always be kind.
If ever our destiny may take us down a path where you need to be taken care of.
I, promise to hold you, comfort and clean you, To always continue to admire you, with all of my love and admiration.If existence places pain in your heart, I will be there always to fill it with love
I, promise each day to thank for our health and happiness to the God's above.

I, will awaken each night, to see your sweet smile and to feel your loving touch.
I, promise my heart; to give you happiness, laughter, and consistent love.
Helena, my heart, I love you so very much.I, will be there for you, every day of our immortal life, to make it filled with happiness and love.I, promise to make you happy, for the choice you have made to become my wife, I do not take lightly.I, give you my heart, everything that I possess. I love you Helena, That, I know you can see.I, promise to you to be very attentive, caring, passionate.  I am you, and you are me.I, promise to the dark God's; to honor you forever, my incredible, intensely beautiful, and so wonderful, wife.  

For it is you, that makes me feel alive.  You give my cold black unbeating heart, a feeling of mortal life.I, have never loved anyone as deeply, as I do you Helena, my heart.
From this night forward, and all of those that shall follow, my existence has an amazing beautiful new start with you at my side, never ever to part.I Love you more than the universe is infinite.  I will love you, even after the stars no longer shine.  Until the Universe has expanded beyond what our eyes can see, I will love you unconditionally.
My beautiful; wonderful, sweetness, of whom I have the privilege of forever, to call mine. Upon this Night.  I will finally have the right to call you my wife.  My Black Queen Helena Laine, now and for all of eternity.


Gage, I love you truly from the depths of my very being, we are together for eternity. I promise to love you with all my heart and give you everything you deserve. You saved me from a place that I thought I would be trapped in forever, you brought me back to existence. I felt that my life was over at that horrific place, but you freed us all.The first time I heard your voice in my mind, my heart knew you were my love and savior. Not just from that place, you saved my heart and soul and have given me so much. I know now I can breathe life and love with you Gage, you are the soulmate I have waited for.
 You are the most wonderful, alluring, loving person I have ever known, you are my true love and so much more. My love for you is beyond words, you saved me from my uncertain world. One moment I would close my eyes, I would be in the world with my family, and it would turn into a nightmare.The next time again I would be with my family as royalty then to another new place. I believe it was my consciousness eventually taking me to find you, that is how strong we are connected through our minds. I do know now that our love will keep me with you. I will never ever let anything, or anyone take me away from you ever again. We have a bond, my love, that will hold us together and make our love even stronger.I promise to endlessly give you my love and passion entirely, I treasure you. I truly love you in every possible way, nothing will ever come between us. Even death will secure our love and marriage, we are a never-ending love. You, forever, are the king of my heart and my new beginning to fill my life and loving you in every way. I still feel a breath of life growing inside of me that I never felt before. You have a deep power inside you my love, it fills my very existence.Our new journey together is going to be the most beautiful time together. Your family is now my family, I will be there for you my love and your children, all of your family is our family. I am truly so in love with you nothing will ever change that we are for eternity.By giving me the chance to love, that gives me the chance to show you exactly how much I love you. The place that kept me prisoner, the only joy was being able to send my thoughts to you. It became a conversation in our minds for which I am truly grateful.We had never met then I always imagined what you looked like, and I was totally right in every way. I want to be who you are and of the world you have, I will always give you so much to you not just in our love in our being together.

To be here with you today at our wedding has been a dream I knew would be real one day. I promise to forget the bad times of my past and only focus on you and me and our family. I'm filled with such joy beyond words, something that I thought I would never ever feel. I am so happy and proud to take your name and to become like you are.My king, we will be together in every way as much love as we should be and will be, we have the power of our love that is even stronger. Yes, the day our minds were one, that was the moment I knew you were and are the one I wanted to be with and that feeling has grown even powerful.You saved me from a place that I thought I would be trapped in forever, you brought me back to existence. I felt that my life was over at that horrific place, but you freed us all.The first time I heard your voice in my mind, my heart knew you were my love and savior. Not just from that place, you saved my heart and soul and have given me so much. I know now I can breathe life and love with you Gage, you are the soulmate I have waited for.You are the most wonderful, alluring, loving person I have ever known, you are my true love and so much more. My love for you is beyond words, you saved me from my uncertain world. One moment I would close my eyes, I would be in the world with my family, and it would turn into a nightmare.The next time again I would be with my family as royalty then to another new place. I believe it was my consciousness eventually taking me to find you, that is how strong we are connected through our minds.

I do know now that our love will keep me with you. I will never ever let anything, or anyone take me away from you ever again. We have a bond, my love, that will hold us together and make our love even stronger. I promise to endlessly give you my love and passion entirely, I treasure you. I truly love you in every possible way, nothing will ever come between us. Even death will secure our love and marriage, we are a never-ending love.You, forever, are the king of my heart and my new beginning to fill my life and loving you in every way. I still feel a breath of life growing inside of me that I never felt before. You have a deep power inside you my love, it fills my very existence.Our new journey together is going to be the most beautiful time together. Your family is now my family, I will be there for you my love and your children, all of your family is our family. I am truly so in love with you nothing will ever change that we are for eternity.By giving me the chance to love, that gives me the chance to show you exactly how much I love you. The place that kept me prisoner, the only joy was being able to send my thoughts to you. It became a conversation in our minds for which I am truly grateful.We had never met then I always imagined what you looked like, and I was totally right in every way. I want to be who you are and of the world you have, I will always give you so much to you not just in our love in our being together.
To be here with you today at our wedding has been a dream I knew would be real one day. I promise to forget the bad times of my past and only focus on you and me and our family. I'm filled with such joy beyond words, something that I thought I would never ever feel. I am so happy and proud to take your name and to become like you are.My king, we will be together in every way as much love as we should be and will be, we have the power of our love that is even stronger. Yes, the day our minds were one, that was the moment I knew you were and are the one I wanted to be with and that feeling has grown even powerful.


 “Above you are the stars, below you are the stones. As time passes; remember, like the stars, should your love burn brightly, like the stones. Should your love be firm. Be close, yet not so close that you restrict one another. Possess one another, yet grant each other the freedom to grow. Be understanding and compassionate, always have patience with each other, for storms may come, but they will quickly pass. Be free in giving affection and warmth.
Fear not, lest the ways or words of the unenlightened, give you unease. For the Ladies and the Lords are with you, now, and always. It is my understanding, that the large pink diamond that will be placed on Helena's finger has been been forged with blood, with the spell Of The "Heart Of Darkness" presented by you both, as a symbol of undying devotion, You have both done this at your own accord.  These rings are blood bonded, as you both shall be, after the ceremony has reached it's conclusion."

"Gage, will you place your symbol of devotion without end, upon Helena's ring finger?"

Lovingly places the ring upon Helena's finger.

"Helena,  Will you place your symbol of devotion without end, upon Gage's ring finger?"

Lovingly places the ring upon Gage's ring finger.

May your love endure through this existence and all others. As the dark God's and the old ones are witness, with those of all whom are present now, I proclaim Gage and Helena Husband and Wife, they are now bonded in blood.  With these vows of eternal devotion, These two hearts are now one.  Two hearts that now will forever be, without reservation or hesitation they will always and forever be as one.
Above you are the stars, below you are the stones. As time passes, remember, like the star should your love burn brightly, like the stone should your love be firm. Be close, yet not so close that you restrict one another. Possess one another, yet grant each other the freedom to grow. Be undertanding and compassionate, and have patience with each other, for storms may come, but they will quickly pass. Be free in giving affection and warmth. Fear not, lest the ways or words of the unenlightened give you unease. For the Lady and Lord are with you, now, and always.
As both your arms and the cloth form the symbol of eternity, may your love endure through this life and all others. As the Gods and the old ones are witness with those of us present now, I proclaim them Husband and Wife, and thus are they bonded in Blood. The Two are now one. I present to you the Blood King Gage LeStat and Queen Helena LeStat forever bound, eternally free! You are husband and wife for all eternity. You may now kiss each other to seal your eternal bond of love.  

With distinct honor, I present to you all,  Mr, and Mrs. Black King Gage David and Black Queen Helena Laine LeStat.  Forever Bound, Eternally!

Gage wrapped his arms lovingly around Helena, taking her deeply into his dark embrace.  He kissed her with the fury of one thousand storms.  He lovingly whispered "I love you Mrs. LeStat” upon her lips.  His eyes twinkled with excitement that she was finally completely his.  His wife, finally.  He loved her so much.  He had waited for this moment forever it seemed.

Helena melted against Gage, giving herself over to the passion of their kiss. Smiling against his lips, she whispered with full emotion, “I love you, Mr. LeStat.” Kissing him with unending passion.

King Gage and Queen Helena began to exit the observatory, hand in hand.  Followed by Lady Emma Swan Jones, Black Princess Winter Reid LeStat. Sir Malachi LeStat and Black Princess Peyton LeStat.
Flower girl Black Princess Mia and the Ringbearer's Black Prince Maks David and Black Prince Mason, exited next. Maks threw his pillow at his Dad.  Then giggled.


Antigone asks the crowd to stand in honor of the newly wedded couple, signaling the end of the ceremony.  King Gage picked up his bride Helena, then carried her down the aisle smiling proudly.   

 Please join us in the Black Kingdom Ballroom to celebrate this beautiful union.  All are invited to come.  Hope to see all of you there.  The bride and groom will be honored and thrilled to have you come and celebrate with them upon their blessed wedding night.

Gage and Helena:
We love you are so deeply, we wanted to show our appreciation and love, with these gifts for all of in the wedding party, for being here with us..

Reception In the Ball Room:

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Black King Gage LeStat, Unconditionally Loves _ Married To Black Queen Helena Laine LeStat Site Co Owner, BE Emperor, BK Ruler, Mr Duggars Mentor (Jacket Slut) BK BE TBC TGB SH HOD


Waiting has been agony. We shall party for awhile then depart.

Posted by Black King Gage LeStat, Unconditionally Loves _ Married To Black Queen Helena Laine LeStat Site Co Owner, BE Emperor, BK Ruler, Mr Duggars Mentor (Jacket Slut) BK BE TBC TGB SH HOD on Sat Jun 22, 2024, 18:06

Posted For Comment
Her smile was even more hearing Gage and what he said to her "I love you so much to my handsome husband I am truly wanting that time for us love."
which was posted on Sat Jun 22, 2024, 18:06
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Black Queen Helena Laine Lestat *Unconditionally Loves my Husband Gage LeStat The love of my existence*Black Empire Empress* *Site Co-Owner*


Her smile was even more hearing Gage and what he said to her "I love you so much to my handsome husband I am truly wanting that time for us love."

Posted by Black Queen Helena Laine Lestat *Unconditionally Loves my Husband Gage LeStat The love of my existence*Black Empire Empress* *Site Co-Owner* on Sat Jun 22, 2024, 18:06

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Black Queen Helena Laine Lestat *Unconditionally Loves my Husband Gage LeStat The love of my existence*Black Empire Empress* *Site Co-Owner*


She smiled to seeing and hearing Maks "Thank you Maks you know you look very handsome just like you dad we will get you some cake."

Posted by Black Queen Helena Laine Lestat *Unconditionally Loves my Husband Gage LeStat The love of my existence*Black Empire Empress* *Site Co-Owner* on Sat Jun 22, 2024, 18:06

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Black King Gage LeStat, Unconditionally Loves _ Married To Black Queen Helena Laine LeStat Site Co Owner, BE Emperor, BK Ruler, Mr Duggars Mentor (Jacket Slut) BK BE TBC TGB SH HOD


Yes, my love it is. The room is beautiful. The decorators really out did themselves. I love you so much. Tonight you will know how much. After we board the plane to our island destination.

Posted by Black King Gage LeStat, Unconditionally Loves _ Married To Black Queen Helena Laine LeStat Site Co Owner, BE Emperor, BK Ruler, Mr Duggars Mentor (Jacket Slut) BK BE TBC TGB SH HOD on Sat Jun 22, 2024, 18:06

Posted For Comment
She smiled feeling her strong arms holding her she wiped away her tears of joy she had seen the blood stains on her dress. She knows it was for a reason that his tears of joy are like her own tears I love this it is so beautiful I love the stars around it is so fitting."
which was posted on Sat Jun 22, 2024, 18:06
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Black Queen Helena Laine Lestat *Unconditionally Loves my Husband Gage LeStat The love of my existence*Black Empire Empress* *Site Co-Owner*


She smiled feeling her strong arms holding her she wiped away her tears of joy she had seen the blood stains on her dress. She knows it was for a reason that his tears of joy are like her own tears I love this it is so beautiful I love the stars around it is so fitting."

Posted by Black Queen Helena Laine Lestat *Unconditionally Loves my Husband Gage LeStat The love of my existence*Black Empire Empress* *Site Co-Owner* on Sat Jun 22, 2024, 18:06

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Black Prince Maks David LeStat BK BE RES OUAT


I wans Caaakes and ieyescreams too eets, Adda I wans Caaake. Mommy I luff yoo. yoo wook pwettie tuday in dat dwess. He held his hands up towards her.

Posted by Black Prince Maks David LeStat BK BE RES OUAT on Sat Jun 22, 2024, 18:06

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Black King Gage LeStat, Unconditionally Loves _ Married To Black Queen Helena Laine LeStat Site Co Owner, BE Emperor, BK Ruler, Mr Duggars Mentor (Jacket Slut) BK BE TBC TGB SH HOD


Gage and Helena arrived at their reception. He was carrying her. He hoped the blood tear that had fallen from his eye, which landed on her dress didn't upset her. He knew she would understand. He was so happy he couldn't help the blood from welling in his eyes. This was the most happy Gage had ever been in his existence

Posted by Black King Gage LeStat, Unconditionally Loves _ Married To Black Queen Helena Laine LeStat Site Co Owner, BE Emperor, BK Ruler, Mr Duggars Mentor (Jacket Slut) BK BE TBC TGB SH HOD on Sat Jun 22, 2024, 18:06

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