Ruby Jacobs {Daughter to Mikah and Blaze} ~ {The Blood Cartel} ~ T+L Axel Branch ~ His little firestarter

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The bank heist
Category: Blogging

The bank heist ( Ruby meets her uncle ) - The blood Cartel

Disclaimer: gotten permission to use Danny and Mikah's names.

Rubes knew it was time. She was doing this alone. She knew that she was the best around. Snorting a line before leaving. She looked over at axel. " Do not worry babes. I'll return. " Ruby walked out and grabbed the keys. Shutting the door she quickly gets in her car. Turning on the engine she blares ( rob zombie - living dead girl ) on the radio. She felt it was the perfect song. Pulling up to the bank. Ruby smiled. " Jackpot. ". Placing on her mask. Heading into the door. " S....stick them. " Before she could get a single word. There were already people being tied up.

" Fuck. This isn't good. Someone beat me to the punch. " She began quietly walking out the door until she felt a sting in the back of her leg. " What the fu .." she knelt down. Feeling the blood trickle against her leg. " God damn it. I told Axel I'll be home tonight. She looked over and caught a glimpse of the one who shot her. " W..why doesn't he have a mask on. " She thought to herself. All she knew is her father is going to kill her.

Quickly hiding behind a desk. She open fired. Shooting three of the men. " Now you messed with the wrong bitch. " She said out loud. Waving the customers to get back and get out. " Get out now. " She said to them she was trying to be the hero instead of the villain. " D.... Danny no that can't be you. " She gotten distracted from seeing glimpse of him. " No no no it's not him what the hell I need to get out of here. " She said as she hopped on one leg to the door

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Danny Jacobs©®™ ~ The Blood Cartel ~ The sarcastic asshole ~Mikah's little brother ~


The bank heist ( The chase has ended )

Trigger warning ⚠️ if this type of reading bothers you please do not read

Disclaimer using Ruby blaze Mikah and Axels names.

Danny had heard Blazes words. He nodded to her. " Just get Mikah here. Gotta go. " He hauled ass down the road. The cops were chasing him a good mile. He noticed up on their radio that the chase with him would be over. " What the fuck. " He said as he turned the radio up louder. Hearing the type of car that they were after. " Wait a minute. I just left. How the hell could blaze be already passed me. He dialed blazes phone. " Yo Blaze. What the hell call me back. As soon as possible. "

Danny watched the cops one by one stop his chase. He looked around confused. " Damn it. I need to see what is going on. " He said to himself. He looked up and the bank he robbed was in complete flames. " Oh damn it Ruby. " He said to himself as he followed the cops. He stayed his distance when he had gotten to the bank. Hearing the officers talk. " Oh it's her alright. The fire starter. She came here and blew up the whole building. Don't be surprised if she blows the block. "

His first thought was to get ahold of Mikah. Sending him a text. " Damn it Mikah. You need to find rubes and quick. She's is big trouble. " He sent to Mikah and blaze. He had drove passed the bank and noticed blazes car hit a tree. " What the hell is going on. She was just over at the docs. " He said as he quickly gotten out of his car. He noticed that the keys were still in the ignition. " Damn it rubes where are you?" He looked around. He couldn't find her. He began driving. He looked around. " RUBY WHERE ARE YOU DAMN IT. ANSWER ME. " He said as he looked down every street.

The cops had the whole area blocked off. Danny was in complete disguise. He growled low because he knew Mikah would ruin him. But he had no idea Ruby was awake. He turned and looked around one corner. " Rubes there you are. " He said stopping the car. " Come on. Don't fight me on this I need to get you out of here. " Noticed she had passed back out. Her leg has a deep gash in it. " What the fuck happened rubes. " He picked her up and placed her in his car.

He shut the door. Ran to the other side. Seeing the cops coming down the isle. " Damn it. " He said as he put the car in drive. Nodding to the cops as they stopped him. Covering rubes with his jacket and stopped the car. " Fuck fuck fuck. " He said to himself. He let out a growl as he rolled the window half way. * Can I help you officer. " He said as he kept his cool. Danny was sweating at this point. " We're looking for a girl about 18 red hair goes by the name Ruby cartel have you seen her?" He said to Danny. Danny had thought for a moment.

" No sir I haven't. I don't even know what she looks like without a picture. " He said to the cop. The cop pulled out a wanted poster. Of her full description. " This is her. " He said Danny looked hard at the picture. " Matter of fact I have. " He said. " She went that way. " He pointed down to the isle ways. " Did she do something wrong. " Danny asked the cop. " Yes she blew up the bank she was robbing. She is very dangerous. If you see her let me know. " The cop handed Danny a card. " Yes sir you got it. " Danny had said as he watch the two turn down the isles. " Fuck that was close. "

Danny quickly drove off back to where Blaze was at with Ruby. " BLAZE HURRY GET OUT HERE I NEED HELP. " he yelled. Getting out of the car as he drug Ruby out. " Damn it girl what the hell you thinking. " He said as he took part of his shirt. Tying it on her leg. " Your father is gonna kill me now damn it. What the hell. " He took what's left of blazes car which was her keys. He picked her up into his arms.

Posted by Danny Jacobs©®™ ~ The Blood Cartel ~ The sarcastic asshole ~Mikah's little brother ~ on Sun Apr 07, 2024, 00:04

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Ruby Jacobs {Daughter to Mikah and Blaze} ~ {The Blood Cartel} ~ T+L Axel Branch ~ His little firestarter


The bank heist ( illusionist )

Disclaimer gotten to use blaze Mikah Axel and Danny's names.

Ruby was under a dark spell. It seemed forever she had been this far off. The drugs she took before she was shot soon effected her. The feeling was coming off of them. Ruby knew that this was the only way to wake herself up. As she began noticing things. She felt that this would be the only way to make herself snap out of it. Feeling the sudden urge. Ruby's eyes awoken. She couldn't scream nor talk. She sat straight up from where she was laying. She could see her.mother close by. Danny was no where to be found. Letting out a low growl. She knew this would get everyone's attention. Slowly getting up. She had hallucinations. They were horrible.

She felt the pain in her leg and it didn't effect her. She could only think of Axel what he was going through. She wanted to be with him. She kept seeing him in a burning building. It immediately woke her up from the slumber she was in. Looking around there was no one in site. Her leg still bleeding. But she had to find him. She needs to know if he's alright. Taking the keys to her mother's car she slips out the door. As she gotten in and turned on the car. She looked down at her leg. Digging the bullet out of her leg in pieces. She let out a small whimper.

Rubes didn't say anything to anyone that she was awake. But she had noticed that Danny had already left. She had to find Axel. Taking off in her.mothers car. She put her phone off. She didn't want anyone to know what she was doing. The building she was going to was the bank she had attempted to rob. But. This would anger her father. And she knew it. Reaching in her mother's glove box she found some pills. Taking two of them to stop the pain in her leg. She had swallowed them whole. As she had gotten to the bank. She turned off the car. Getting out. She had taken her mother's gun. Shooting the cameras that were outside.

Ruby had went to the front of the bank and noticed Axel standing right there. But it was an illusion. " Axel what are you doing?" Get away from there. " She watched as security had came to the doors. And seen her talking to herself. " Hey you there. Halt. " The security officer has said. It frightened Ruby. This had brought out her fire bolts. She began throwing them at the officers. " You won't take us alive. " She yelled. " Leave us alone. My love is coming with me. " Before she knew it she had placed the building a flamed.

She had watched the people running out of the building flames everywhere. Still no sign of Axel. " Axel please come out of there. They will harm you. " She said frantically. Her eyes glow golden yellow. Throwing more fire bolts inside the building. More had began to run out. This time. It was completely surrounded. The cops were here. " Fuck we need to go. " Rubes threw one more fire ball at the cars blowing them up. " Get away now. " She said to them as she ran and gotten into her car.

Blaring the music as she started the car. She drove off. Watching the cops getting into their cars. " eat this pigs. " she yelled at them. She wasn't getting caught today. She looked over at the passenger seat and seen Axel. " there you are my love. How did you know what I was going to do. " you must know me like a book for now. " She said slurring her words. She noticed he wasn't answering her. She slammed on the breaks. " what the fuck Axel don't you love me anymore. " She yelled hitting the wheel. " I did this all for us. " She said as she noticed blue lights were headed their way. " God damn pigs. What the fuck. "

A few seconds later she noticed Axel had disappeared. She slammed on her breaks hitting a tree. " Axel you bastard. What the hell wait till I tell my daddy. " She said as the air bag deployed. She felt that she had to get out of the car. She had to run on foot. " Damn him. Damn this fucking hell hole. Daddy is going to be pissed. Momma definitely going to be pissed. " Ruby ran as she found a hiding spot. Next thing she knew she spotted Axel again near her.

" Damn you why won't you say anything. This is killing me. " She had looked around. " Fuck they are good. " She went further into what she was hiding in. " They won't find me here. If they do they are getting blasted. " Ruby had said speaking to herself. She felt like she was going crazy but she wasn't sure of it.

Posted by Ruby Jacobs {Daughter to Mikah and Blaze} ~ {The Blood Cartel} ~ T+L Axel Branch ~ His little firestarter on Sun Apr 07, 2024, 00:04

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Blaze Jacobs{ M+L Mikah}{Loves my Sausage King}{Mikah's Doll} {Momma to Ruby + Mikah Jr}{The Blood Cartel-BK-BE}


The Bank Heist: (Time be a ticking)

Blog Location:

Disclaimer: New owner of this account. Please note the writing for this character can be violent and extremely dark/ triggering themes. If at anytime you feel you can’t read please for you don’t.

A mother’s love will never fail no matter what. A mother’s rage is not something that anyone would want to go against. Furthermore, when a mother’s child is hurt something else takes over them and the mother goes into a zone that is fully in protection of their child. There was time ticking away and knowing that Mikah would be home soon, yet not soon enough it was the best option to take Ruby to the hospital. Ruby was a perfect combination of Mikah and Ruby. Blaze could always see herself in Ruby’s eyes and she loved her daughter deeply.

Blaze knew they just couldn’t go to the hospital but feeling that the vet was not the right place was not something that would leave her mind. There was nothing to be done knowing that the time was ticking. There was so much blood everywhere.

The very thought of her daughter being hurt over a heist that she did with her uncle boiled her blood. In Blaze’s eyes, Danny should have protected Ruby better. Then again, she knew that the cops saw not a young woman, but a person committing a crime. While in the car, Blaze heard her phone go off. “Your brother is messaging me. You know he will kill you right?” she asked, looking at Danny full of rage in her eyes. She looked at Ruby for a moment then quickly replied.

Blaze heard her phone go off and was about to send a message back seeing that it was Mikah. Just reading the text message, Blaze could see that he was already upset. She could feel the emotions jump off of the message on her phone.

Taking the phone from Danny, “You need to get to the hospital. I’m with Danny and Ruby now. That is all her blood everywhere. You need to come now. It’s our daughter.” She said in a slightly worried tone. “Please come hurry.” She stated then handed Danny back the phone. “If he doesn’t kill you, I will if anything happens to my daughter.” Blaze looked back down at Ruby began to feel worried all over again.

She knew that they would have to do something quickly. She looked at all the blood loss and became more fearful than she had ever before as well mixed with the emotion of full rage. As she looked at her daughter hearing Danny’s voice push into her mind breaking her out of her thoughts. She grip the cash that he gave her and started to worry about him as well, however, knew that there was no other way to make sure that Ruby was safe.

She gave a nod, “I’ll look after her. You better be safe too and not get caught. Your brother would kill you.” She said with a slight smirk. Backing towards her daughter as he left. She turned towards her phone and rang her husband. “Mikah?” she said with a worried tone. “Are you on your way?”

Danny Jacobs©®™ ~ The Blood Cartel ~ The sarcastic asshole ~Mikah's little brother ~


The bank heist ( Danny gets to his destination)
Trigger warning ⚠️
Disclaimer: gotten permission to use blaze Mikah Ruby and Axels names

" God damn it Mikah. Shut the hell up. " Danny let out a low growl. He knew Mikah was pissed. Looking over at Blaze. " Will you say something to him to shut him up. " Places Mikah on speaker so she can talk to him. Getting to his destination. Danny screeched the tires pulling in the driveway. He gotten out of the vehicle. Grabbing Ruby as he held on pressure where she was bleeding. " MIKAH GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE AND HELP ME NOW. "

He looked down at Ruby. " It'll be alright Rubes. You'll be good as new. Now we just can't tell Axel what happened. Cause I'll have another asshole to deal with. " Danny looked around as he quickly carried Rubes on. " Mikah it was an accident. She was at the bank where I was at. Hurry she's already lost a lot of blood. I haven't had no cops follow me. Trust me. I've taken every back road possible. " Danny had laid Ruby down on the table. Still holding her leg. " Please get me some fresh towels. " He squeezed out the blood filled towel. Placing it back on her leg.

Placing his hand up on her forehead. " Damn it. She's running a high temperature. Come on Mikah we're gonna lose her. " He said as he checked her pulse. " She's going fast. " Finding something in a needle. He looked. " Morphine good. " He squirted the needle to make sure no air bubbles. Placing the needle by the wound. Giving her the dose. Danny grabbed the towels that were handed to him. " Mikah where's your boy at come on man. " Danny was freaking out at this point trying to stay calm. Taking out a smoke and lighting it.

Pacing back and fourth. He had to go to the car. Grabbing the cash that he had taken from the bank. Hoping Ruby's boyfriend wouldn't pull up. Knowing that he already some how knew. He knew he had to call Axel. Dialing his phone. " Yo Axel. It's Danny. Mikah's brother. There's been an accident we're at the vets. Hurry and get here quick. I'll explain everything. Already gonna get my ass beat. So it'll be okay. " Danny hung up the phone.

Looking down at his shirt and pants he was covered in blood. He knew he had to change. Checking behind himself making sure the cops didn't follow him. Shoving the cash inside his bloody pockets. He sighed deeply. " Ruby please be alright. " He thought to himself. As he watched around. He could see a helicopter flying in the air. " Fuck perfect timing for you bastards. Quickly running in. " Mikah chopters flying ahead you gotta hurry and fix her. Now. "

He said as he went over to the window. He didn't see anything over head. " Damn it they must have some how called for air support. I need to get my car and go. Blaze please. Look out for Ruby. Here take this. It's a couple hundred thousand dollars for her bill. Again I'm really sorry never ment for this to happen. I swear I had no idea it was her. " Lighting another smoke. He grabs a clean shirt. Placing it over the bloody areas. " Okay I'm off. I will distract them and hopefully get away. I can't even "

He said as he looked down at Ruby. " Good luck rubes. " He said as he climbed outta the back window. Heading over to his car he gotten in. As he went to start the engine. Danny heard the sound of a gun being cocked. " Damn it. " He looked around. " You are surrounded. Get your hands in the air where I can see them. " Fuck. Fuck fuck. Now Mikah is gonna kill me for sure. " Placing the keys in the ignition and starting the car.

As he put the car in reverse he backed up. Slammed right into three cops. " Come catch me piggies. " He yelled out. They didn't realize he had already placed gas around the car. Throwing his smoke out the window. Lighting the gas on fire. Big burst of flames came through the cops. " Ha catch me if you can assholes. " Looking up at the chopper he pointed his gun. Shooting it down with only a couple hits

Posted by Danny Jacobs©®™ ~ The Blood Cartel ~ The sarcastic asshole ~Mikah's little brother ~ on Mon Mar 11, 2024, 16:03

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Mikah Jacobs M+L Blaze Jacobs The Blood Cartel BK BE HOD SH


"The Bank Heist Mikah Blows A Nut"

Mikah pulled up to the Mansion, he put the Hummer in park. Taking a snort off of his hand right above his thumb, he was ready for a nice relaxing night. Mikah hadn't seen Blaze in days it seemed. He missed his Doll Face. Opening the passenger door, he pulled out a hideous red Gucci bag that his wife had been hinting about for days. He then grabbed the dozen losely wrapped red roses that he had also gotten for her.

Walking up the sidewalk, he noticed all the lights in the house were on. This was typical, he could afford the electric bill so there was no point in saying anything. He grabbed his keys then unlocked the door. Mikah walked inside. "Hello? Hello... Doll Face? Oh Sugar Tits, Daddy is home." He placed the flowers and the purse upon the kitchen center island then placed his keys in his pocket. The house was quiet which was odd, where was Blaze?

He walked into the luxurious living room then noticed blood upon the couch and upon the white carpet. He yelled "Sugar Tits, You okay? Hello!!!" Worried he ascended the staircase to their bedroom. "Blaze? Where are you? Are you getting dolled up in there?" He made his way towards the master Bathroom, she wasn't there. Where the fuck was she? Where the fuck was anyone?

Quickly he ran back downstairs, once again noticing the blood, he phoned Blaze. He waited impaitently for her to answer, it went directly to voicemail. He then dialed Ruby's phone. Hearing a familiar voice he instantly got pissed. "Well well, has the prodigal son returned? Danny, What in the fuck is going on? Something smells like shit in suburbia, and like usual, you are most likely behind it. Spill it, Where's Blaze? Is she hurt, there is enough blood in here to even make my brother in law Gage go into a frenzy. Where the fuck are you at? I will deal with you later, trust me on that one, you little piece of shit. Where in the fuck is my wife?"

Mikah listened to Danny mumble something about Ben. "Ben? Ben who? You little bastard! Who the fuck is Ben? Are you talking about Ben Johnson, the vet? What in the fuck are you doing there? Is my wife hurt? She god damned better not be, or it's your white ass. I will fuck you up boy. You are supposed to be at Military school. What couldn't handle it, too tough for a punk assed, little pussy boy, like you to handle? You wannabe skinhead little fucking Fag boy. I tried to get you out of that, make you a man. Not some wannabe hating fuck. What, did you ditch? We paid out the ass, for that school. Why the fuck aren't you there?" Pissed as fuck, he hung up on Danny. He didnt let him get a single word in. Mikah always had the last word. Always.

He looked down at his cell and sighed relief, it was Blaze. She was okay. She had no idea he had decided to fly home early to surprise her for their anniversary. He read the text. He was enraged at what he was reading. His wife had given him some bad news. "Dammit to all fucking shit." He was still unsure what the fuck was going on.

He grabbed his keys out of his pocket. Jumped into the H3 then texted Blaze. "What's going on? Babe, There's blood everywhere. Are you hurt? Are you at Ben's? What the fuck are you doing there? What is going on? I just talked to that prick assed, little mother fucking, brother of mine. Danny ditched school. I'm on my way there right now. I'll hurry. Why are you at the Johnson Vet Clinic? Danny told me. But, I don't know whats going on, I didnt let him get a single word in. Im so pissed he left school to run with those fucking low life, white supremacists again.

Mikah Jacobs M+L Blaze Jacobs The Blood Cartel BK BE HOD SH


"The Bank Heist Mikah Blows A Nut"

Mikah pulled up to the Mansion, he put the Hummer in park. Taking a snort off of his hand right above his thumb, he was ready for a nice relaxing night. Mikah hadn't seen Blaze in days it seemed. He missed his Doll Face. Opening the passenger door, he pulled out a hideous red Gucci bag that his wife had been hinting about for days. He then grabbed the dozen losely wrapped red roses that he had also gotten for her.

Walking up the sidewalk, he noticed all the lights in the house were on. This was typical, he could afford the electric bill so there was no point in saying anything. He grabbed his keys then unlocked the door. Mikah walked inside. "Hello? Hello... Doll Face? Oh Sugar Tits, Daddy is home." He placed the flowers and the purse upon the kitchen center island then placed his keys in his pocket. The house was quiet which was odd, where was Blaze?

He walked into the luxurious living room then noticed blood upon the couch and upon the white carpet. He yelled "Sugar Tits, You okay? Hello!!!" Worried he ascended the staircase to their bedroom. "Blaze? Where are you? Are you getting dolled up in there?" He made his way towards the master Bathroom, she wasn't there. Where the fuck was she? Where the fuck was anyone?

Quickly he ran back downstairs, once again noticing the blood, he phoned Blaze. He waited impaitently for her to answer, it went directly to voicemail. He then dialed Ruby's phone. Hearing a familiar voice he instantly got pissed. "Well well, has the prodigal son returned? Danny, What in the fuck is going on? Something smells like shit in suburbia, and like usual, you are most likely behind it. Spill it, Where's Blaze? Is she hurt, there is enough blood in here to even make my brother in law Gage go into a frenzy. Where the fuck are you at? I will deal with you later, trust me on that one, you little piece of shit. Where in the fuck is my wife?"

Mikah listened to Danny mumble something about Ben. "Ben? Ben who? You little bastard! Who the fuck is Ben? Are you talking about Ben Johnson, the vet? What in the fuck are you doing there? Is my wife hurt? She god damned better not be, or it's your white ass. I will fuck you up boy. You are supposed to be at Military school. What couldn't handle it, too tough for a punk assed, little pussy boy, like you to handle? You wannabe skinhead little fucking Fag boy. I tried to get you out of that, make you a man. Not some wannabe hating fuck. What, did you ditch? We paid out the ass, for that school. Why the fuck aren't you there?" Pissed as fuck, he hung up on Danny. He didnt let him get a single word in. Mikah always had the last word. Always.

He looked down at his cell and sighed relief, it was Blaze. She was okay. She had no idea he had decided to fly home early to surprise her for their anniversary. He read the text. He was enraged at what he was reading. His wife had given him some bad news. "Dammit to all fucking shit." He was still unsure what the fuck was going on.

He grabbed his keys out of his pocket. Jumped into the H3 then texted Blaze. "What's going on? Babe, There's blood everywhere. Are you hurt? Are you at Ben's? What the fuck are you doing there? What is going on? I just talked to that prick assed, little mother fucking, brother of mine. Danny ditched school. I'm on my way there right now. I'll hurry. Why are you at the Johnson Vet Clinic? Danny told me. But, I don't know whats going on, I didnt let him get a single word in. Im so pissed he left school to run with those fucking low life, white supremacists again.

Danny Jacobs©®™ ~ The Blood Cartel ~ The sarcastic asshole ~Mikah's little brother ~


The bank heist ( Danny calls Mikah )

Sorry this post was very short

Danny blaze and Ruby gotten into the car. Danny in the driver seat. Started the engine. Groaning a bit because he knew Mikah would be pissed. Dialing Mikah's number. He waited for him to pick up the phone. Hearing the phone pick up Danny frantically spoke. " M...mikah it's me Danny. Blaze and I are. " Before he knew it he was going to get chewed out

Posted by Danny Jacobs©®™ ~ The Blood Cartel ~ The sarcastic asshole ~Mikah's little brother ~ on Fri Feb 16, 2024, 14:02

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Blaze Jacobs{ M+L Mikah}{Loves my Sausage King}{Mikah's Doll} {Momma to Ruby + Mikah Jr}{The Blood Cartel-BK-BE}


Blaze had been resting, after a long night of partying, so she was, if a little, hungover.
She heard a lot of yelling coming from outside. She made her way downstairs, reasonably quickly after hearing the words Ruby and hurt.
A gasp of air escaped her lungs at the sight of her daughter, bleeding out in front of her, in the arms of her Brother-in- law.
“Mikah’s not here.. He’s taking care of business elsewhere… Danny, What the fuck happened? Get her on the sofa… Where was she shot?” Blaze anxiously looked over her daughter. But she could not make out the severity of the wound because of the amount of blood, but it was clearly her leg. She could only hope that it was a through and through and that it hadn’t hit any major arteries.
Blaze was so enraged, that before she knew it she had her hand around Danny’s throat.
“I swear to the fuckin’ devil Danny.. “ Luckily some semblance of sense came to her before she squeezed any tighter around his throat.
Releasing him from her grasp, Blaze thought for a moment.
“Go to the kitchen and grab some towels”
She returned to Ruby’s side.
“It’s okay sweetie.. But we’re going to have to move you again. I have someone we can go see. He’s fixed your Pop up on many occasions…Hurry up with those fucking towels!” She yelled out to Danny.
Grabbing her cell from the side table closeby, Blaze made a quick call.
“Ben…..Yeah it’s me…… It’s my daughter…..yeah… we’re on our way”
She then quickly tapped a message to Mikah who was currently out of the country, before once again concentrating on her daughters needs.

Posted by Blaze Jacobs{ M+L Mikah}{Loves my Sausage King}{Mikah's Doll} {Momma to Ruby + Mikah Jr}{The Blood Cartel-BK-BE} on Thu Feb 15, 2024, 01:02

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Danny Jacobs©®™ ~ The Blood Cartel ~ The sarcastic asshole ~Mikah's little brother ~


The bank heist. ( Danny gets the loot )

As the shooting went on. Danny knew someone had seen him. He looked over at the female by the door. " Damn it I told you fuckers not to shoot anyone. " Danny threw his smoke down. He had quickly ran over to Ruby. " Hey hey you okay. Fuck she's bleeding a lot. " Get some rags now you morons. The money is already in the car. " He said as he watched a couple of bank tellers helping. " Thank you. I need to get her to a hospital "

Danny had picked her up. He remembered where his brother lived. But he's going to be pissed when he finds out Ruby has been shot. Growling low. He looked around. Placing her in the car. He gotten in the driver side door. And slammed it. Speeding off to Mikah's. As he looked around he seen no cops were coming by as of yet. But his people were left at the bank. He could hear them hollering at him. He did not care. " I need to get you home. Your dad knows what to do. " Seeing that they lived a few blocks from the bank. Danny quickly pulled into the drive.

" MIKAH GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE. ITS RUBY. SHES FUCKING HURT. " he yelled. Going to the back seat and dragged her out. As he picked her up and brought her inside. " Ruby was shot. She was at the bank I was robbing. Hurry Mikah. She's already lost a lot of blood. " Danny said. This wasn't the way he wanted to see his brother. Now he may lose a daughter and it was his fault. Mikah would never forgive him.

Danny lit up another smoke. Wiping the blood off his hands onto his blue jeans. He looked worried. He had a feeling it was his own kin. " Mikah please. She told me no doctors. So I couldn't take her to the hospital. " He said to him

Posted by Danny Jacobs©®™ ~ The Blood Cartel ~ The sarcastic asshole ~Mikah's little brother ~ on Tue Feb 13, 2024, 21:02

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