Sofie Fatale{O-Ren Ishii's Lawyer, Second-In-Command, And Best Friend}{ She is of mixed Japanese And French Descent And Serves As O-Ren's Interpreter} BK Legion

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34 years old
Kumiyama, Kyōto
Japan - half breed
Last Login: March 23 2025

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   Contacting Sofie Fatale{O-Ren Ishii's Lawyer, Second-In-Command, And Best Friend}{ She is of mixed Japanese And French Descent And Serves As O-Ren's Interpreter} BK Legion

 Sofie Fatale{O-Ren Ishii's Lawyer, Second-In-Command, And Best Friend}{ She is of mixed Japanese And French Descent And Serves As O-Ren's Interpreter} BK Legion has a private profile, you must be a friend to view.

Sofie Fatale{O-Ren Ishii's Lawyer, Second-In-Command, And Best Friend}{ She is of mixed Japanese And French Descent And Serves As O-Ren's Interpreter} BK Legion has a private profile, you must be a friend to view.