Sofia Anhalt {Crystal Witch} {Lady of Germany} {Sister to Hans + Anneliese+ Anselm}{Aunt to Freya + Mila} {Ut In Veteribus}

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119 years old
Hamburg, Hamburg
Germany - crystal
Last Login: September 16 2024

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   Contacting Sofia Anhalt {Crystal Witch} {Lady of Germany} {Sister to Hans + Anneliese+ Anselm}{Aunt to Freya + Mila} {Ut In Veteribus}

 Sofia Anhalt {Crystal Witch} {Lady of Germany} {Sister to Hans + Anneliese+ Anselm}{Aunt to Freya + Mila} {Ut In Veteribus} has a private profile, you must be a friend to view.

Sofia Anhalt {Crystal Witch} {Lady of Germany} {Sister to Hans + Anneliese+ Anselm}{Aunt to Freya + Mila} {Ut In Veteribus} has a private profile, you must be a friend to view.