{Dark Ancestral Witch}{Mahidevran}Antigone Tenebris {Aurelius Antoninus}{Mother to Isis + Mustafa +2 }{Momma Bear}{Sister to Athlia,Boudicca + Isik + Lydia}{Aunt to Valentina,Devran,Hatice}{Step mother to Malantha} {Ut In Veteribus}{Realm Co-Owner 3}

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Into Storybrooke: (storyline with Kellie)
Category: Uncategorized

Disclaimer: This is a storyline that was started, but be redone for new twists and turns.

Into Storybroke: An ancestral witch comes to town(storyline with Kellie)

Past :

Antigone was known as the Dark Ancestral Witch. She was the daughter of Marcus Aurelius and his lover Livia Tenebris. She had three sisters that were biologically her full sister and several half-siblings. After having to flee Rome moons ago, Antigone found her way to the Turkish empire of the Ottomans. She adopted the name of Mahidevran to hide from those who would want to consume her soul or, to be more exact, kill her. Within that time, she met a man named Suleiman Sultan and bore him two children. Mustafa Sultan and Isis Sultan, but only Isis lived on throughout the years with Antigone. Mustafa was killed in his adulthood, which still scars Antigone and causes her to be overly protective of her daughter.

Antigone lived happily under the name of Mahidevran, for she could live without fear of attacks other than those from mere mortals that attempted to conquer the Ottomans. Sulieman and the other man within the kingdom efficiently dealt with those easily. Those with magical abilities could have helped with any situation dealing with deadly war. However, they helped in different ways to avoid drawing attention to them.

The Ottoman Empire was vastly different from the rest of the world being somewhat kept in its own bubble. However, even this bubble could not keep the hands of the grim reaper from the doorstep of the Empire. Mortals’ lives are a string that can be easily snapped at any moment. Antigone understood this fact seeing many she held dear pass from this world and into the afterlife. But the loss of her Suleiman, her son, and many more that she cared for began to take a toll on Antigone. She knew only a few within the Sultan family would be able to live forever having that gene passed down to them, but it was those that immortality forgot to kiss that always became memories to Antigone.

Even with death of those she loves, Antigone did not for many years leave the Ottoman Empire until the new world began to call to her. The old world had seemed to forget the old ways of magic. The ways that kept the witches and warlocks grounded in not just tradition but the very essence of magic itself. Being an ancestral witch, Antigone had a duty to find out all new witches and warlocks who come into their powers even if they had magic since childhood and teach them the old ways. In a way, she helped guide them to gaining control over their abilities, which at times can be unpredictable.

Leaving the old world behind was not an easy thing for Antigone, yet she knew that she could not at least for now stay there. The new world had more possibilities and less memories. The new world called to her, and she took the call even if she did not know where she was going to end up.

An Dark Ancestral Witch Comes to town:

Her travels brought her to a place called Storybrooke Maine. She felt drawn to it due to the magic that felt to be not of this world. Storybrooke held within it old and new magic which seemed to be able to blend. It was new for her, yet there was something that seemed to catch Antigone’s senses. She did not know what it was just yet but felt intrigued enough to book a stay at the hotel within Storybrooke before going to the local diner. The diner was a cozy joint with an older woman running it. “What brings you in here deary? You are not from around here you?” the older woman asked. Antigone smiled as she walked to the counter and took one of the seats. “You can say that.” She said with a thick Roman accent. “And yet you seem to fit in.” the older woman replied with a clever smile.

The woman seemed to know a bit about everything and yet was still kind to those who were not from around the area. “Can you tell me about this place?” Antigone asked with a sweet tone. The woman nodded and began to tell her all about the town that was made from magic. Antigone could listen about the town all day if she could, yet as if the woman narrating every detail in the town knew something Antigone did not the story ended. “To understand the magic of this town you should go see Mr. Gold’s shop. You seem like the type that would be most interested in such things. Who knows what can happen in this town or why people come to it.”

Antigone gave a slight smile and nodded. “Perhaps when you are done you can come back and have something to eat. Perhaps tell your own story to this old woman” The kind woman said. Antigone gave another smile, “perhaps. Thank you for your tale.” She said, getting up and started to walk out of the diner. It was a quick meeting and yet it was as if it had been planned out long before Antigone’s life began. The Dark Ancestral Witch looked to one direction to the other until a shop with the spiritual presence of both dark and light magic spilled out from it. It wasn’t just dark and light magic but old and new like the town. Antigone tilted her head to the left, her red eyes flashing crimson.

As she walked towards the shop, it appeared the thought that the woman did not comment on Antigone’s unusual eyes then again perhaps the woman knew that Antigone wasn’t a normal human or perhaps the woman, herself from a tale just jumping off the pages. The closer that Antigone got to the shop, the more the Dark Ancestral Witch could sense that there is much more to the town or the shop that meets the eye. She reached out to grasp the door of the shop, gently pulled it, and heard the ring of the bell to tell the shop owner someone was there.

A door and bell the keys of the unknown and a shop filled with antiques, things to pawn, and magical things. Ding the bell on the door went, the sound filling the shop.






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{Dark Ancestral Witch}{Mahidevran}Antigone Tenebris {Aurelius Antoninus}{Mother to Isis + Mustafa +2 }{Momma Bear}{Sister to Athlia,Boudicca + Isik + Lydia}{Aunt to Valentina,Devran,Hatice}{Step mother to Malantha} {Ut In Veteribus}{Realm Co-Owner 3}


Into Storybrooke:Interesting form of events (Storyline with Kellie)

Blog Location: https://www.realmroleplay.com/view_blog.php?id=0000000884

The town that Antigone found herself in was nothing like any other town or even city. Antigone could not figure out why, but the town was filled with magic of ancient and new magic that seemed to blend. Furthermore, Antigone felt that there was almost a sense of something straight out of the fairy tale books. Now, Antigone had met many type of creatures and people that held within their veins old magic. That is what the town itself felt like, that there were people with both old and new magic flowing through their veins. Taking a deep breath, as she looked around the old shop smelling and sensing many different types of magic throughout the shop.

It was a simple and odd experience sensing all the magic throughout the town. This caused the Dark Ancestral Witch to wonder more how she was drawn to this town. It was not like the town was put on any maps nor made known to the rest of the world for most of the population of the world. Furthermore, Antigone wished to know the secrets behind the town and its creation. She figured that now it would not be the proper time to figure out such secrets. There was something more important to do. The spiritual pressure shifted into a whole new and darker one that could cause anyone, no matter how powerful, to feel like their throat was closing on them.

The woman Kellie, seemed like a kind person and not someone to be wary about in the least. She gave a smile towards her and gave a nod. She could see that Kellie was a strong young woman. The Dark Ancestral Witch was never one to judge someone based off their age for she knew that age meant nothing when it comes to power. She listened to her for a moment and raised a slight brow. “Twice?” she asked with a slightly curious tone of voice. She thought for a moment that at least it was not three times, but then again it could always happen again. “It does seem like I know you from somewhere, though I do not know how.” She said feeling slightly odd. She had placed a memory spell upon herself multiple times so when it came to remembering a great deal of people at times could be difficult. Antigone gave a slight smile, “it is my honor.”

Hearing the front door of the shop open and seeing who the owner of the shop was, Antigone truly felt in the back of her mind that she knew him from somewhere. The Dark Ancestral Witch did not say anything to begin with and just allowed the two to speak to each other. Clearly, he was the one behind a great deal of things, especially dealing with whatever goes on within the town. Antigone eyes Gold down with her crimson red eyes as if she was staring into his soul. Seeing Kellie looking at her, Antigone turned her attention towards Kellie. She listened to her understanding that she was slightly upset. Antigone did not trust Gold’s answer in the slightest. She gave a slight nod, “I’ll help you considering someone isn’t going to who clearly knows more than what he is saying.” She said with her mind back to Kellie.

Antigone watched Kellie leave the shop and saw Gold straighten up for a moment as if waiting for something. “How can I help you, Dearie? You aren’t from around here, are you?” he said with a slight smirk upon his face. Antigone raised a brow and shook her head, “You know very well that I am not. I do not know why I was brought to this town or drawn to it. Nor do I know why I feel like I know you but trust I will.” She said with her thick Roman (ancient Italian). She gave a slight paused and sighed, “I apologize, and I think your shop is very lovely.” She said with a slight smile before leaving the shop, leaving Gold behind. Antigone began to walk down the street following somewhat behind Kellie. She was going to take her up on her offer.

Antigone followed Kellie to the dark woods and felt unguard but not all at the same time. Hearing the encounter between Gold and Kellie gave Antigone a slight stir. She could not figure out why and knew that she would come back to investigate the one called Gold. She watched as the animals came in a circle around Kellie to protect her. “Are you ok?” she asked in a calm motherly-like tone of voice.

Kellie Swan Jones-Kaelan *Pregnant* M+L's Asher Matthias Kaelan+Our daughter Hannah*Her Imperial Majesties Secret Service*Swan Island*(OUAT)(BK)


Into Storybrooke:Visions Real Or Magic?(Storyline with Antigone)

Blog Location: https://www.realmroleplay.com/view_blog.php?id=0000000884

Kellie’s time in Storybrooke always had intriguing stories, ones that she was a part of as was her entire family were. Now her life has truly changed for the best with her husband Asher, the love of her life. Truly happy for the day they met and their daughter Hannah, who is now happily married, brings joy to her. Thinking one day she and Asher will become grandparents, but that will be years from now. Still, it is incredible to see her family grow and the peacefulness of the town so far. Looking around the town seeing how it has flourished into the beautiful place it was. Even now and then seeing new people arrive that was a plus.

Not being prepared for what was about to be seen, having no clue what was about to happen, being in Gold's shop. Then again, the magic the town has is something that is always there whether it be seen or not. After walking through the town there was a strong sense inside of her very being at the time not letting be a distraction. Before getting into Gold's shop, she did see images that were foggy and seemed to stay in one place. She thought it might be something with the atmosphere, could that happen? After a few minutes of being in the shop having met a new woman that arrived in Storybrooke.

After a bit of that met and talked and waiting for the shop owner which seemed odd, he was normally right there. After seeing the images again from the window was too much and then hearing what Antigone had told her. Letting her mind take all that in as she was right not to let it intimate it was minutes that the images disappeared. "You were right, I did not let it scare me any longer and it disappeared. This is twice now that I have seen this when I am walking here, I saw the exact same thing, this apparition?" It seemed odd that this happened when in this certain shop once again she yelled to Gold wanting to confront him. " I do feel like I know you from somewhere just not sure where if that makes sense? Thank you, I will take you up on that with your help when and if it happens again."

Seeing as walked out looking at "My Dearies what is it I can help you with Miss Jones or should I say Mrs. Kaelan. You seem a bit shaken, what is it that is on your mind I am glad to help." Kellie gave him a stern look. "Spare me I know you Gold and the powers you have were you causing the foggy images I saw. It only happened when I was walking to your shop and when I was in her and looking out the window. Do not lie to me I have abilities like my mom to know when people are truthful or not. Even you." I'm waiting for his answer.

"Dearie, would I do that to you trust I do know your powers like Emma's no i did not cause anything like you described. What would be the point of it?" She looked at him and then at Antigone as she felt bad for her reaction to Gold. Still not fully trusting him. She was done with time at the shop and offered Antigone to go with her to her home. It was then Kellie felt her whole body was in another place… it was a country feel to out. Out in the dark woods looking around seeing a deserted home. "Antigone can you hear me what is happening to me? Please help me if you can." Her powers seemed limited in this place, she had no way to get back to her first thoughts, her husband Asher and family. Knowing Antigone was strong with powers she kept calling out to her.

Looking towards the dark woods and seeing the animals, the wolves and the deer’s and the smaller animals come towards her. They made a circle around her to protect her, petting the wolf that sat close to her " where are we my dear friends a darker version of the Enchanted Forest." All she could do was sit with the animals and wait as she called for Antigone.

{Dark Ancestral Witch}{Mahidevran}Antigone Tenebris {Aurelius Antoninus}{Mother to Isis + Mustafa +2 }{Momma Bear}{Sister to Athlia,Boudicca + Isik + Lydia}{Aunt to Valentina,Devran,Hatice}{Step mother to Malantha} {Ut In Veteribus}{Realm Co-Owner 3}


Into Storybrooke: A chance meeting (Storyline with Kellie)

Blog Location:https://www.realmroleplay.com/view_blog.php?id=0000000884

The fates, have their own set of plans that many would attempt to get away from, but the fates tend to always win. The Dark Ancestral Witch knew there was always a way to create one’s own fate, but the fates would always have their hand in it even to the snipping of one’s thread of life. Antigone figured this issue long ago when she attempted to stop her mother’s death through a time spell, but her mother stopped her from doing that. This was since it would change everything that happened in her life including falling in love and having her children. Her children and sisters were everything to Antigone, thus she would never want to change that. Livia knew this due to the look upon her face and her mother’s institution. Livia spoke to Antigone as a mother does to her daughter and spoke clearly to Antigone.

Everything happens for a reason, even meetings or people coming into one’s path. As Antigone looked around the shop that she just walked through the front door, Antigone felt something or someone there familiar. She did not know why exactly this was but took a deep breath in any case. She knew that she had been drawn to this shop, though she could not figure out why. Furthermore, Antigone could feel that there was some sort of spiritual presence deep in the shop even into the very wood and bricks that the shop was built from. “interesting” she thought feeling even old magic within the shop which was hard to find these days. Just as she was going to go deeper into the shop, she sensed another was there.

Turning her attention to a woman that came up to her, Antigone gave a slight smile, “Pleasure to meet you, name is Antigone Tenebris {Aurelius Antoninus}. I also at times have been known as Mahidevran.” Antigone shook her hand gently with her right and gave a slight nod, “I am very new here. I was drawn to this town.” She said with her thick Roman (Ancient Italian} accent. Her accent was something that she could never drop even when she lived within the Ottoman Empire and lived within the harem of Suleiman Sultan.

She shook her head, “I haven’t. I don’t know why I was drawn to this place really. Just could feel spiritual presence that I haven’t felt in centuries.” She said with a slight smile on her face. She heard the man’s name who owned the shop and tilted her head feeling that she knew him or at least had run into such a person years back. The Dark Ancestral Witch had lived for centuries so encountered many people in her lifetime even in passing. “Thank you, though if you need you can always go first.” She replied with a kind smile.

Antigone noticed that the woman named Kellie was looking towards a particular window and tilted her head as she narrowed her eyes. “What’s happening?” she asked in a motherly tone of voice. She looked at the window that the woman named Kellie was looking at and saw the darkness as well. “Interesting.” Antigone had just met this woman yet felt a slight connection to her in the back of Antigone’s mind. “Do you want me to help?” she asked holding out her hand towards Kellie. “Darkness feeds off fear. Don’t allow it to intimate you.” She said once again in a motherly tone.

Kellie Swan Jones-Kaelan *Pregnant* M+L's Asher Matthias Kaelan+Our daughter Hannah*Her Imperial Majesties Secret Service*Swan Island*(OUAT)(BK)


Into Storybrooke:Past History/A Welcomed Visitor(Storyline with Antigone)

Blog Location: https://www.realmroleplay.com/view_blog.php?id=0000000884

Past to the Present:

Kellie’s life has always been filled with magician many powerful ways with almost losing her family and everything they built together. Many nights hearing the fairytales that her mom read to her younger sister was always beautiful. Never knowing that the stories being told were about her real family. Within years’ time Kellie would find out in fact it was her family down to every detail that included their town.

Growing up in Storybrooke always seemed to be filled with the magic and wonder of what would happen from day today. Their own family had the most curious background from Prince Charming to Snow White, who are actually her grandparents. Her mom telling her the whole story all the way back to her great grandparents. Hearing there telling of how she was found as a baby in the forest, it made a bond with another family.

Kellie truly loves her family so many changes they have had over the years all the children are grown now. They are all are married lives now they each have found the loves of their lives, which is truly a fairytale come true. Kellie is now married to Asher she truly with heart and soul she completely loves him. He fills her life in every way she is so happy that they met and now are forever together. Their daughter Hannah is grown up having the same powers as her mother and grandparents.

She is so grateful for all she has in her life, with her entire family and friends that are so important. There was a part of her that felt like there was another in her life that was family having dreams about an ancient time. A family she knew so many years beyond her time, now it still is in her mind. How true could it be some sort of power here playing tricks on her. It was worth looking into it was a vision that got so powerful in her dreams.

It was a sense of family that was definitely not of this time, it was a family she knew was close together. Having dreams of her and a slightly older girl. There were other people that seemed to know her and the other girl. A sudden darkness went over her, as if in a time capsule things whirled around her. Suddenly seeing a town that was in ruins it was completely destroyed only to fear that it was Storybrooke. To her happiness it was all a dream state that fear was what encouraged her to see the one that might help her. That was Mr. Gold

Searching For Answers:

Finally getting the courage to go to the shop and see Gold, hoping that she wasn't making a mistake. Hearing it from her own parents that he might be able to help, that was enough for her to know. With a hope that she would get to his shop before having to walk down the sidewalks looking around the town it seemed to fade into darkness on and off. Like someone was turning on a light switch then the darkness was overpowering to her. She had to stop for a moment to catch her breath.

She walked into one of the shops to just sit for a moment, everything was changing in the town without giving fair warning. Looking out the windows that were open, it was once again a sunny bright day, hearing the birds singing. Sitting back in the chair, she was almost terrified to go outside. Going out once again to see Granny’s was pens, she went to just be with people she knows.

Once again once she was outside, she could have sworn someone or something thing tried to grab her wearing the laughter and singing from the younger girls. Was something she never heard before it was time for her to go see Mr. Gold. Was it possible he was doing this to her, or did he know who it was? So many questions ran through her mind who could she trust? Finally getting to his shop, she walked in, hearing the bell right. She saw someone new there wondering who she was not saying anything, yet she didn’t know if Gold was helping her or not.

She smiled to the woman as she started looking around his shop seeing a lot of the artifacts still there. Most of them belonged to her family, it was a flashback to her to see everything had even from her dad. She was looking around thinking she thought she heard Gold in the back of the shop. She got a bit closer to her knowing it was time to introduce herself.

"I hope I am not being to forward you must be new here I am Kellie Swan Jones-Kaelan it’s a pleasure" Kellie held out her hand as they shook hands. "I take it you haven't been helped yet which figures with him. "Mr. Gold are you here you have customers." She smiled to the woman, "your first in line." She smiled once again she looked out the window seeing the darkness cover again "No no it can't be happening again?"

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